Corrected an issue that caused the AI to attempt coups too often, when chances of success were too low.Now the credit toward a RA will be based on Science earned that turn. when you finished a tech and the extra research was being applied to the following tech). Research Agreement code was previously giving double-credit to research “overflows” (i.e.Prevent double counting of resources when an improvement is gifted to a minor civ, then the minor civ techs up to activate the improvement.Unique luxury is given back upon liberation. Unique luxury is removed upon capture (players can no longer get it by taking over a CS). Mercantile CS now only get a unique luxury for their first city (and not the cities they conquer).German UA and Oligarchy social policy now work together correctly.Save games that were started before the fix will not be corrected. Mod Browser – The “Get Mods” button is now hidden if the user has disabled the steam overlay.Maybe there is not a civ 5 steam sale for the 2 year anniversary, but there is an autumn update which includes nice new features and some nice bug fixes (finally)! Just by the way a lot of the updates include features for God’s and King’s so that is nice.